WFA Affiliation

Affiliation to The WFA costs £80 per club.

Affiliation runs from April 1st to March 31st annually.

Affiliation gives you Personal Accident Insurance for all your players. This covers training, friendlies, and competitive games.

Plus, a list of other benefits you can find below

You will have noticed that this is an increase in the affiliation cost from last year, but this is because the cost of the full Personal Accident cover for Walking Football players at the club has increased substantially. We had no option but to increase the cost of affiliation to cover the increased cost of cover.

This extra cost, still represents great value as it covers all the players at your club, rather than on a team by team basis as some other insurance does.

New Affiliation process for 2025/26

We are now using JoinIt for our affiliation

Clubs that are already affiliated

If you are already an affiliated club, the email address associated with the club should have received an email asking them to accept the JoinIt user we have created for them. If you can’t see this in your inbox, please check in your junk/spam folder. If you have the email and have accepted, you will already have created your JoinIt account and you will re-affiliate using that account.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The JoinIt account will be in the name of the person not the club, but it is Club Affiliation. 

Clubs that are affiliating for the first time

If you are affiliating for the first time, you only need to use the button below. It will take you to JoinIt and follow the onscreen instructions. Once you have affiliated, make sure you check your email for confirmation; it has important information.

The benefits of Affiliation

A comprehensive list of benefits

  • Personal accident insurance for players
  • The right to enter squads for the National Cup and any other WFA run Leagues or approved events. (Only affiliated clubs can enter WFA Tournaments and Leagues from 2024)
  • The right to vote on how the WFA is run and governed
  • The right to nominate clubs and officials for the WFA Grassroots Awards
  • Right to vote on changes to Laws of the Game (LOTG)
  • The right to submit players for the National Teams (Only players from affiliated clubs can play for the England National Teams from 2024)
  • Your club details are listed on our club finder section of the website (Google’s number one ranked Walking Football website)
  • Partner discounts
  • Free Health & Safety advice
  • The option to have a WFA referee course*** held at your club
  • Players will be insured for all WFA events and tournaments
  • New players are insured automatically on joining the club
  • Players will be insured for friendly matches
  • Players will be insured for all training sessions
  • All players aged up to and including 85 are covered**
  • Insured players that play for more than one affiliated club will be covered playing for both clubs
  • Cover extends to WFA Approved games in Europe
  • The only insurance that will cover players playing in WFA events*
  • The insurance policy is with Aviva through Sports Insure

*Clubs that currently have insurance through the FA Bluefin scheme; that insurance will not cover players for WFA events, unless the event is approved by your club’s county FA. This was confirmed to us by Bluefin, but feel free to check the cover yourself.

** There is no lower age limit, so players under 40 in the women’s game and under 50 in the mens game would be covered.

*** Referees courses are an extra cost per attendee.

Personal Accident Insurance Cover

Personal Accident
Accidental bodily injury resulting in: Category A
Death £25,000.00
Loss of Sight in one or both eyes £25,000.00
Loss of Hearing in one ear £6,250.00
Loss of Hearing in both ears £25,000.00
Loss of one or more Limbs £25,000.00
Loss of Speech £25,000.00
Permanent Total Disablement* (PTD) £25,000.00
Permanent Partial Disablement £25,000.00
Temporary Total Disablement £50 per week
Excess Period 14 days
BenefitPeriod 52 weeks
Category A
*The basis of cover for permanent total disablement is any and every occupation
Personal Accident Extensions for Categories A & B
Accidental bodily injury resulting in:
Broken Bones We will pay You on behalf of the Insured Person the amount specified below for each fracture, or a maximum of £1,000 for all fractures.

Arm (Humerus, Radius & Ulna) or Wrist (Carpals) – £250

Leg (Femur, Tibia, Fibula), Ankle (Tarsals) or Kneecap (Patella) – £500

Skull (excluding jaw and nose), Collar bone (Clavicle), Shoulder Blade (Scapula) – £500

Coma Benefit £50 per day for each day up to a maximum of 730 days
Dental & Optical expenses Up to £500
Funeral Expenses Up to £10,000
Hospitalisation £50 per day up to £750
Medical Expenses Up to £25,000
Physiotherapy Up to £500
Rehabilitation Expenses Up to £10,000
Relocation Expenses Up to £15,000
Maximum Benefit any one Insured Person
Death and Capital Sums: £25,000
Temporary Total Disablement £50 per week
Maximum Accumulation Limits
Any One Accident: £1,000,000
Walking Football

Best Practice toolkit

The best practice tool kit is full of useful information to help you set up and run a successful Walking Football club. Available to download as a PDF, it’s also available in hard copy, for those that would prefer it. To request a hard copy, please contact Paul Carr by email once you have completed the affiliation process.

Walking Football

Display the WFA Affiliated club logo on your website