Find a Walking Football ref for your next tournament

The WFA has been delivering referees course since September 2017. Over 500 referees have now been trained to either Club, Tournament or International Level. The course has been developed by players and referees, and is delivered by experienced trainers.

Club referees are approved to referee recreational club sessions and to act as assistants to the fully qualified tournament referees.

The list of available referees is available by clicking on the link (below), which shows the areas covered and the contact details.

RefCom Committee

There is a RefCom Committee with representation to the WFA Board of Directors – Nigel Genner is Chair and head of International Development, Les Burgess is Head of the Referee Academy and responsible for co-ordinating Referee Training Courses.  Tony Skelton is responsible for communication and finance and Steve Pitt is responsible for maintaining the Referee Database and co-ordinating Referee kit. This sub-committee of the Board meets regularly with Stuart Langworthy being the Board Link and Chairing quarterly meetings.

The WFA Referee Association is available for all WFA trained referees to join.  As a benefit of joining, referees will receive Personal Accident and Public Liability Insurance for all WFA events attended.  There is a Private Facebook page for members. Please mail Tony on the email below

So far 2 Train-the Trainer courses have been run with the aim of training Regional Leads who will run training courses and mentoring of referees in their geographical area.

If you are interested in training as a WFA referee, please email Tony Skelton

Other contacts

Nigel Genner –

Les Burgess –

Steve Pitt –

We now also have a list of Referee Mentors

If you are interested in training as a WFA referee, please email Tony Skelton