The WFA Super League is the name given to the WFA Regional Tournament – the aim is to showcase the best Walking Football in England
Regions hold trials and select teams at each age group. They get together and play against each other 3 times a year. Current England players are encouraged to play for their region so It allows the best players in the country to play with and against the best players in the country
- The WFA Super League is the WFA’s pathway to the WFA England teams – it also gives many players the opportunity to play representative sport at the highest level many will have achieved.
- The aim is to have 5 Regions with 2 teams in each region. NW, NE, SW, SE, C. This year, the Over 50s are trialing an East Region
Over 50’s
In the first round of matches Central were top of the table with 3 wins and a draw with SE Red second with 2 wins and a draw however in the second round although SE Orange were the best team on the day North West recorded 3 wins and a draw to pip Central on goal difference. A close competition between NW , Central and 2 SE teams – SE Yellow made up the numbers on both days and competed well but due to the high standard of the other teams were unable to record any points.

Over 60’s
2024 WFA 60s Regional Super League title won by North East Blue.
The curtain came down on the 2024 60s Regional Super League on Sunday 20th October with North East Blue being crowned Champions.
Emulating South East Black in the 65s competition the North East Blues took top spot by winning the first game of the season and remained there right to the end.
Over 65’s
The 2024 WFA Over 65s Regional Super League came to a conclusion on Monday 7th Oct with the final round of League games ending with South East Black being crowned Champions.
Staged at the impressive University of Gloucester Oxstalls facility the competition pitched nine Regional squads, from the five Regions across the country, against each other in a league format.
The teams competing were Central Sky Blue and Navy Blue, North East Blue, North East Blue and Green, South East Black and Orange and South West North and South.
Eventual winners South East Black took the lead right from the first set of games with a 1-0 win in Block 1 when the other three games resulted in draws. It was a lead that they would not relinquish. However, they were pushed right to the end by strong performances from North East Blue and Central Sky Blue who finished in second and third places separated only by goal difference.
The standard of football was excellent throughout the competition and games were played with a high level of sportsmanship well complemented by some fine refereeing.
With players putting themselves in the shop window for possible further representative selection and friendships being formed with others from around the country the Tournament is surely assured further success for the new season in 2025.

Over 70’s
The WFA Men’s over 70s regional Super League has been retained yet again by South East (A), managed by John Burkett. The final round was played in Coventry on September 15th, and proved to be as competitive as the previous two rounds, with the leading teams all dropping points. However, SE (A) managed to maintain their decisive lead to win the trophy, followed by the Northern region and South West (S). The competition has proved very popular, with six teams making up the roster, and representing all of our regions, and by the best players in the country. The regional setup has therefore proved itself as an important level in the Walking Football pyramid. Hopefully the other regions will be able to provide some stiff competition to SE for next year’s trophy.
Over 75’s

Over 80’s

We are looking for a sponsor
The WFA used to have an overall sponsor for the Super League – last year the WFA funded it. In 2025, unless we can find an overall sponsor, we will be looking to fund it some other way – we want to try to avoid players paying if at all possible
- 1st option is overall sponsor – £12K
- 2nd option is 2 sponsors – one for the Ladies £4K and one for the men £8K
- 3rd option is age group sponsors at £1.2K each age
- Last resort is that players pay £5 per meet