England v Italy – May 13th 2018
- John Sykes
- Kevin Schmid
- Graham Curry
- Stephen Beresford
- Vic Vaines
- Peter Stacey
- Spencer Pratten (C)
- Alan Davies
- Graham Collier
- James Trant
- Tommy Charlton
This is what Manager, Stuart Langworthy, had to say…
Stuart Langworthy
What an honour it is going to be to walk up the tunnel with the over 60’s team for the first ever Walking Football International game. I cannot tell you how proud I am going to be on Sunday.
Everyone is really looking forward to the game – it is going to be an historic occasion and we are preparing our team so that we can perform on the day and do ourselves and our country proud.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the players from around the country that have attended the trials – we have met some great people and fantastic footballers. We have received fantastic feedback and my team have been really impressed with the quality of players both on and off the pitch. I would also like to pay tribute to Chris Keirl, Charlie Wise, Ross Langworthy and Gareth Lewis. As a team of volunteers we have been faced with the difficult task of selecting 22 from over 130 nominations. We are very pleased with our first squad and the first team of 11. It represents a good mix of players from different parts of the country and we are confident that we will be able to more than match the Italians.
As the game continues to grow, we are aware that we are the tip of the iceberg and that the vast majority of people who play Walking Football do so for fun. We are all also aware that the team are ambassadors and role models for the game.
Since being appointed only 6 months ago, so much has been achieved – this weekend represents the culmination of a huge amount of time and effort put in by many people. Lets hope we make it a weekend to remember – come on England!!!