Walking Football for the over 60’s
Club Name |
Walking Football for the over 60's |
Contact Name |
Contact Email |
communityagent@gresfordcommunitycouncil.gov.uk |
Contact Phone |
07747431607 |
Location where you play/train |
Colliers Park and Training Ground, Chester Road, Gresford Wrexham. |
Postcode |
LL12 8PW |
Details about the club and the sessions you run |
Weekly sessions held on a Monday 4-5pm. The sessions were set up in September 2021 by Ruth Thompson Community Agent for the over 50's in Gresford as there were very few groups for men in the the area. You need to be over 60 to join the group and need to complete a health questionnaire before you play. The first 2 weeks are free taster sessions, after that it costs £3 a week to cover the cost of pitch hire. There is a coach from Wrexham Racecourse Foundation present at each session. We do not have any women players at the moment but hope to set this up in the future. We are supported by Active Wrexham |
Where you play
Contact Information
Where you play/train
Colliers Park and Training Ground, Chester Road, Gresford, Wrexham, Wales, LL12 8PW, United Kingdom
Phone Number
Post Code
LL12 8PW
Website/Facebook Page